Channeled session from the 'Collective Consciousness'.
Non Topical Opening Dialogue
And there was light, creating all things and existing in all things. The 'absence of light' is sometimes referred to as darkness. If ever you are in a 'dark' place, call light to you [with conviction] - it will come, allow this light to fill you, it will change your vibration and situation. Try it and see!
Q. How to connect to your higher self?
A. You are connected to your higher self, you always have been and you always will be. The question is like asking 'How to connect to your feet'? You are always connected to your feet but maybe you take them for granted. So focus on your feet, wonder at your toes and your heels. Your higher self is the same thing so to speak. You are connected spiritually, energetically and emotionally. So close your eyes and focus on the top of your head, travel up through your body and go out of the top of your head - as you extend upwards there is a presence, this is your higher self. You may have to use your imagination, but keep trying - there is a feeling of higher guidance, it will come........
Q. Relationships [and communication]?
A. Tarot card to represent this question -The Lovers.
Meaning - Partnership, equality and trust, Communication, Choice followed by commitment, We attract people of similar vibrations to us, we also attract polar opposites of our vibration just like magnetic forces. With this in mind ask yourself what is this person teaching me? Are they showing me a mirror of myself or completely the opposite. In relationships maybe we attract the same kind of person over and over, this just means we are missing the lesson. So if you change your vibration you will attract different people. So who do you want to attract?
Q. Explain 'Divination tools'?
A. Divination tools are extensions of you inner self. This inner self is full of intuition and can attune to all situation, when requested. Divination tools therefore are tools for us to 'Feel' the truth through this extension. Yes, Feel the truth, because it is all about the feeling, connection us to the energetic vibrational world. So flip a coin, Heads for yes and Tails for no. Ask a question that you already know the answer too, see if it reveals the truth - or did you get in your own way?
Channeled session from the 'Collective Consciousness
Non Topical Opening Dialogue
There is a becoming, it starts with a thought and gains momentum through
imagination and dreamt about imagery. It then has it's own energy or consciousness. As it snowballs gaining velocity and mass it is then consciously become, the becoming. What is becoming in your thoughts? Each and everyone of the daydreams and the intellectual thoughts are all becoming. How about consciously thinking about something you desire. Now watch it become!
Q. How to deal with depression/being depressed?
A. So what is depression, energetically speaking it is a lower vibration which is
internalized and enclosed by us. That gives you the insular alone feeling, even in
crowded room. So how can you change/deal with it?
Let's try something. Think of something happy, funny, joyous or uplifting from your memory. this event will allow you to remember the feeling-[joy, laughter, happiness. Allow this feeling to fill you, it is a stronger vibration than the sadness, it is internal sunshine and it is okay for this [sunshine] to fill you. Try it often.
Q. Feeling the Love frequency?
A. Frequency is an energetic vibration, emotion creates this energetic vibration. Your thoughts create the emotion. So think of someone you love or perhaps a new born baby, maybe a gift from a friend, hugging someone close to you, your first kiss, someone you adore, flowers, rainbows or even butterflies, whatever changes your feeling. These good thoughts create the good emotions. Thoughts of fulfillment, joy, love, contentment etc. Sit in the good emotion, let it fill you. You are now sitting in the vibration or frequency. The better the memory/thought the brighter the emotion and the stronger or better the frequency. Try this often!
Q. Actions, Tools to practice during this time of shifting?
A. It moves up and down, forward and back, we are in and we are out. This is an ever changing unpredictable environment for many and the whole time it feels at times like the world is sucking the life out of you. You are flagging, tired and maybe over-whelmed. Energetically speaking your energy is going out into the world and not being replenished. So your energetically polarity is going from you outward! (spinning outward). So let's focus for a moment - imagine the polarity changing - spinning in the opposite direction, pulling light and energy to you, filling you and cleansing you! You are not [taking] this energy from anyone. You are just changing the frequency and polarity of you energy and attuning to universal life force. It is okay to sit in this light. Do this often it will change things for you.
So let's practice gratitude, it changes you and your relationship to everyone and
everything. Think of something that you are grateful for - your house, your car, your family, you friends, your job, your cat, whatever it is. think of this.
Now thank the universe for this - thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!
This is a powerful tool to change how you think, how you feel and in turn what you
Channeled session from the 'Collective Consciousness'
Non Topical Opening Dialogue
Choice takes you here and choice takes you there - the physical movement created by thought, So the travel is apparent and through these choices a path is created. One stop at a time leads you on this path, but wait, where were you headed again and thus we realize the goal is created to show us how far to go or which direction to travel. So if you stay right where you are and call to you everything you think you need, then the journey would become an internal one instead of the elaborate hike you thought you had to endure!
Let us start then.
Q. How to ask the right questions?
A. The question should have been 'what questions do I have to ask in order to impress others and /or appear amazing'. The right question at the right time is intuitively and consciously available with the absence of ego. The right question will come depending on intention, your intention for outcome. So bless yourself and your situation send light ahead of you and realize the right question
comes to you at exactly the right time.
Q. What does love mean to you?
A. Love is a fairly general term with many definitions, meanings and feelings depending on the person or thing, what they have experienced, what trauma they have endured, their perceptions of the universe and their open-ness to love and to be loved. Love is a feeling and feelings create energetic vibrations. So one could say that love is an energetic vibration. This vibration is universal and carries calm, passion, compassion, adoration, envy, mutuality, contentment, selflessness, comfort, peace, it is the blissful vibration of oneness. So think of love, let it fill your heart, let the vibration fill you! Try it and see.
Q. Why ask the tarot cards....?What do they reveal?
A. The cards reveal what you wanted and did not want to see, they show victory, they show doubt, they show all that is and all that was and if you will allow them, they will show you what happens if you go left or right with them or with someone else. They are a tool for you to see probability. So what do they reveal. All that you will allow yourself to see in regard to yourself and the universe, if you dare!
The potential previews will then change depending on the choices involved and the intention that is applied. Try it and see.
Tarot card to represent the answer to this question - Two of Swords.
Meaning - Balance, precarious balance, A choice of the lesser of two evils,
The seeker has the knowledge and ability to balance the situation and make best of it.
Channeled session from the 'Collective Consciousness'
Non Topical Opening Dialogue
And so it begins - the start of the end, you all will feel relieved after the change
has come and gone. released into the new, fresh and vital.
You need to know the prophecy will come to you and you will remain in the
junction till it is time to ascend. Choosing differently will have a desired effect on different outcomes.
Q. Cov-id and how to pivot?
A. There is change all around so good, so different. It is all about adapting
yourself to the everchanging social climate. Telling yourself that you flow
with flexibility to this ever changing society will help. It is all about the feelings,
so how do you want to feel? Also how do you want your neighbour to feel?
This will help with the choice to pivot one way or the other.
Q. How to hear your inner voice?
A. Is the voice in my head me or my guidance? Good question - In the space
between your thoughts there is guidance waiting to talk with you. You must go
into this 'space' and hold there. Ask 'what is your name' and keep asking. The
inner voice will come to you but you have to be in the 'space'. Stopping you
internal dialogue will be the only challenge, slow down the internal dialogue to
a word and a word and look for and focus on the space in between. This is where the universal guidance sits. It will come, keep trying.
Q. How to relieve anxiety?
A. Anxiety is a form of nervous reaction to external and/or internal influences.
Some people go 'out of body' to cope or distance themselves from the trigger.
So the relieve the anxiety one must stay in body. The easiest way to do this is to focus
on your feet and your breath. count your in breath and double the out breath this
will counter the anxiety and in time will calm the senses. practice makes it more effective.
Q. How to be heard?
A. The real question is 'what do I want to say'?
This question comes from personality ego wanting attention. So the need to be heard must come from a reverent space instead. Sometimes we have to listen in order to navigate to a space to orate the words others need to hear. And in this we eventually get to be heard.
Q. How to find purpose?
A. What is purpose - it is a feeling of fulfillment, it is a feeling of contentment, it is a feeling of gratitude, it is a feeling of external and internal love. That being said, how do you find a feeling? Seems hard right. Feelings must be nurtured and created by you, How? try this - I am full of love and I radiate love, I am grateful for the contentment and the fulfilling life I am experiencing. And my purpose is easily unfolding.
Every thought creates an emotion, the emotion creates an energetic vibration, the energetic vibration interacts with the soup of energy and information we are existing in 24/7. And we have experiences created by that thought, this is the formula for creation. So if I am trying to find purpose I must tell myself I am already in my purpose. That is the best way to start.
"We send you light from the higher realms."