Non Topical Opening Dialogue
There is a becoming, it starts with a thought and gains momentum through imagination and dreamt about imagery. It then has it's own energy or consciousness. As it snowballs gaining velocity and mass it is then consciously become, the becoming. What is becoming in your thoughts? Each and everyone of the daydreams and the intellectual thoughts are all becoming. How about consciously thinking about something you desire. Now watch it become!
Q. How to deal with depression/being depressed?
A. So what is depression, energetically speaking it is a lower vibration which is
internalized and enclosed by us. That gives you the insular alone feeling, even in
crowded room. So how can you change/deal with it?
Let's try something. Think of something happy, funny, joyous or uplifting from your memory. this event will allow you to remember the feeling-[joy, laughter, happiness. Allow this feeling to fill you, it is a stronger vibration than the sadness, it is internal sunshine and it is okay for this [sunshine] to fill you. Try it often.
Q. Feeling the Love frequency?
A. Frequency is an energetic vibration, emotion creates this energetic vibration. Your thoughts create the emotion. So think of someone you love or perhaps a new born baby, maybe a gift from a friend, hugging someone close to you, your first kiss, someone you adore, flowers, rainbows or even butterflies, whatever changes your feeling. These good thoughts create the good emotions. Thoughts of fulfillment, joy, love, contentment etc. Sit in the good emotion, let it fill you. You are now sitting in the vibration or frequency. The better the memory/thought the brighter the emotion and the stronger or better the frequency. Try this often.
Q. Actions, Tools to practice during this time of shifting?
A. It moves up and down, forward and back, we are in and we are out. This is an ever changing unpredictable environment for many and the whole time it feels at times like the world is sucking the life out of you. You are flagging, tired and maybe over-whelmed. Energetically speaking your energy is going out into the world and not being replenished. So your energetically polarity is going from you outward! (spinning outward). So let's focus for a moment - imagine the polarity changing - spinning in the opposite direction, pulling light and energy to you, filling you and cleansing you! You are not [taking] this energy from anyone. You are just changing the frequency and polarity of you energy and attuning to universal life force. It is okay to sit in this light. Do this often it will change things for you.
So let's practice gratitude, it changes you and your relationship to everyone and
everything. Think of something that you are grateful for - your house, your car, your family, you friends, your job, your cat, whatever it is. think of this.
Now thank the universe for this - thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!
This is a powerful tool to change how you think, how you feel and in turn what you