Excerpts from channelled session's from the collective consciousness'
Non Topical Opening Dialogue
And so it begins - the start of the end, you all will feel relieved after the changehas come and gone. released into the new, fresh and vital.
You need to know the prophecy will come to you and you will remain in the
junction till it is time to ascend. Choosing differently will have a desired effect on different outcomes.
Q. Covid and how to pivot?
A. There is change all around so good, so different. It is all about adapting
yourself to the everchanging social climate. Telling yourself that you flow
with flexibility to this ever changing society will help. It is all about the feelings,
so how do you want to feel? Also how do you want your neighbour to feel?
This will help with the choice to pivot one way or the other.
Q. How to hear your inner voice?
A. Is the voice in my head me or my guidance? Good question - In the space
between your thoughts there is guidance waiting to talk with you. You must go
into this 'space' and hold there. Ask 'what is your name' and keep asking. The
inner voice will come to you but you have to be in the 'space'. Stopping you
internal dialogue will be the only challenge, slow down the internal dialogue to
a word and a word and look for and focus on the space in between. This is where
the universal guidance sits. It will come, keep trying.
Q. How to relieve anxiety?
A. Anxiety is a form of nervous reaction to external and/or internal influences.
Some people go 'out of body' to cope or distance themselves from the trigger.
So the relieve the anxiety one must stay in body. The easiest way to do this is to focus on your feet and your breath. count your in breath and double the out breath this will counter the anxiety and in time will calm the senses. practise makes it more effective.
Q. How to be heard?
A. The real question is 'what do I want to say'?
This question comes from personality ego wanting attention. So the need to be heard must come from a reverent space instead. Sometimes we have to listen in order to navigate to a space to orate the words others need to hear. And in this we eventually get to be heard.
Q. How to find purpose?
A. What is purpose - it is a feeling of fulfillment, it is a feeling of contentment, it is a feeling of gratitude, it is a feeling of external and internal love. That being said, how do you find a feeling? Seems hard right. Feelings must be nurtured and created by you, How? try this - I am full of love and I radiate love, I am grateful for the contentment and the fulfilling life I am experiencing. And my purpose is easily unfolding.
Every thought creates an emotion, the emotion creates an energetic vibration, the energetic vibration interacts with the soup of energy and information we are existing in 24/7. And we have experiences created by that thought, this is the formula for creation. So if I am trying to find purpose I must tell myself I am already in my purpose. That is the best way to start.